5 Ways to Improve Your B2C Telemarketing
Call centers are an integral part of business development as they can inspire confidence amongst the customers given the adaptation of the correct B2C telemarketing tactics.
5 Reasons Why Social Media Marketing Can Optimize the Business
Social media offers a perfect platform for service oriented businesses such as call centers to efficiently market and position themselves in the industry.
Conventional Telemarketing VS J Telemarketing
J Telemarketing seeks to make its mark as one of the leading and most contemporary telemarketing firms and the industry by example.
Ensuring Success for a Telemarketing Job Interview
For the aspiring telemarketers who wish to find their footing in the call center industry, they must have the interviewers realize their value.
What Makes a Good Telemarketer: 5 Important Characteristics
There are dozens of call centers in Rawalpindi and Islamabad that have hundreds of sales executives and customer service representatives onboard. However, very few have the sales teams that stand out.